
Monday, December 21, 2020

Summer learning journey Part 4

This is the 4th activity that I am doing for the summer learning journey and it is called which one doesn't belong. So the first slide is for you to figure out and all the rest of the other slides are the ones that I had to do for the summer learning journey this activity was really fun to do and I recommend you signing up to the summer learning journey if you know how to and I bet you will have as much fun as I am having doing the summer learning journey during summer 2020. So here it is down below and don't forget to tell me what you think of it and if you really want to you can also tell me tips if you wanted too.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Summer learning journey Part 3

I did the summer learning journey activity and this time I did this activity where you have to choose a song and then write the chorus of that song on a google drawing and this activity was actually really fun and really quick I had expected it to take quite a long time and I also thought that it would be really boring but no I thought wrong. And also don't forget to tell me in the comments what you think of it and maybe even give me a few tips if you really wanted too. And another question for you is that if you have any other idea's about what I could call my summer learning journey activity blog posts tell me in the comments and I might use them sometime for some of my other blog posts that I put on my blog about the summer learning journey this year. So here it is for you to look at my song was called Scars to your beautiful by Alessia cara.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Summer learning journey Part 2


Here is my optical illusion that I did for the summer learning journey this is the second activity that I did for the summer learning journey I drew it and it didn't take very long to do and I also drew a very cool background. And don't forget to tell me what you think of it in the comments down below and maybe even give me some tips if you really wanted too.

Summer learning journey Part 1

I am starting this thing called the summer learning journey and this is the first activity that I did for the summer learning journey. Basically what you do for the summer learning journey is that you just basically keep learning during summer and it keeps you really entertained. I think it is really fun and maybe if you want to you guys might want to sign up for the summer learning journey after you have looked at a couple of things that I have done for the summer learning journey. And remember to tell me what you think of it in the comments down below or maybe even give me a few tips if you wanted too.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Real or fake ?

Today I did this quiz for you and guys have got to try and guess if this photo is real or fake so can you please tell me in the comments if you think that this photo is real or fake sadly you will never know if this photo is real or fake because if I tell you in the comments if it was real or fake then other people could just see what the answer was and that wouldn't be very fair oh and also can you please tell me what you think of this real or fake photo in the comments down below so I can see them so here it is hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

My drawings

Today I did some colouring - in's on this website were you can choose your drawing that you want to colour in then colour in the drawing that you chose. So here are some of my colouring - in's that I did.

So I hope you liked these colouring - in's that I did and you might want to even tell me what you think of them in the comments.

Friday, November 27, 2020


This is what I did for art it is a star Made out of beads, sticks, pipe cleaners and feathers. And don't forget to tell me in the comments of what you think about it.

Changes poem

 I did this poem that is all about changes that has happened since I was born. So I hope you really like it and maybe even tell me what you think of it in the comments down below.


 I made a story called Alma for reading and I have been working on it for quite a long time now. So I hope you really like it and don't forget to leave a comment down below of what you think of it.

Part 1 Alma

One day there was a girl called Alma and she went for a walk down the pathway in the snow. The snow was very crunchy and you could hear the crunch whenever Alma stood on the snow. So she went for a walk to this doll shop and on the way to the doll shop there is this big black board that lost kids write their name on whenever they go past or when there is another lost kid. So she was lost for about 2 weeks ago so she wrote her name on the big black board. And when she got to the doll shop she saw this doll that looked exactly like her so she decided to go into the shop. But the door was locked she tried and tried but it just wouldn’t budge so then she decided to roll up a ball of snow then with that same ball of snow she threw it at the door. Then she walked away and suddenly the door opened and she went in and something very strange happened …

The doll that looked exactly like her started moving. She heard this weird noise and you will not believe what it was. It was this little boy riding a bike. The bike was crusaders colours and if you don’t know the crusaders then they are a big group that play rugby and those 2 colours are black, red and maybe white if you wanted there was a little bit of white on the bike. And finally the part that you should be waiting for she walked over to the shelves and on those shelves there were heaps of old dolls that were from the 80’s. Heaps of those dolls from the 80’s were very creepy because they could wink and even move all by themselves.

The end

To be continued …

Part 2 Alma / Lily

Once upon a time there was this girl called Lily and she was a very small girl. She was only 5 years old in 3 days turning 6 she was very excited for her birthday in 3 days. Because she is allowed to invite 14 people over to her birthday party but sadly only 9 could come because …

One of them was sick, the second one had to go to swimming lessons, the third one had to go to ballet lessons, the fourth one had to go to another friend's birthday party and finally the last one had to go to piano lessons. So she was really sad that those people couldn’t come to her birthday party but at least she still had heaps of fun.

The end

Thursday, November 26, 2020


 I did this for art.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Fractions of amounts =)

This week at school I have been learning about fractions of amounts. Here is an example of my fractions of amounts sheet that I copied off and did in my maths book ...
I found this learning hard because I didn't know anything about fractions of amounts but I still learned something and hopefully soon I will be amazing at it !!!

Monday, September 7, 2020

Thursday, August 27, 2020

My origami flowers

Today I made made some origami flowers and this is what it looks like. To make this piece of art work I had to watch a you tube video. If this looks like fun then maybe you could try and make it one day and then maybe even put that on your blog so other people can see it!!!

Similes and Metaphors by Crystal and Taliyah

Today I did a challenge with my class where I had to work with a buddy. And my buddy was Crystal  we had to choose an image. With that image you have to write two similes and two metaphors about that picture. Then the whole class had to try and guess what mine and Crystal's pictures were.
This is mine and Crystal's!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How to change the world

How to change the world!!!

Things I want the world to change is to stop littering because all the rubbish is going under the ocean and killing all the sea animal’s in the ocean.

 For this to happen the world would need to change is stop using plastic.

My conclusion is correct so stop littering and stop using plastic!!!


Getting dressed for school!!!

When I headed to school I was so excited that I almost dropped my netball in the river.
My hair was as beautiful as a unicorns horn with flowers on the horn.
My sweatshirt was as blue as the blue sky.
My navy blue socks smelled like lavender.
My colourful shoes were as clean as a car wash.
My backpack was as heavy as a rock.
And yes I was very ready for school.

Friday, August 7, 2020

The day the crayons quit

The day the crayons quit

Dear Taliyah:
Okay listen right now and very clearly you use me to much so maybe you can use some of the other crayons not me because you use other crayons and you always use me to colour in blueberries, chairs, rain drops, blue skies, lakes, school desks, hats, school uniforms, blueberry ice-cream, whales, cars, ice cubes, icicles, balloons. But the bad thing is that you are using me too much and now my tip is probably going to fall off and then you will not be able to use me anymore. Because I will be broken forever and remember I am not a pencil so you can not sharpen me because I am a crayon not a pencil.
Your very hard working blue crayon!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

W is for puppy

Here is my DLO (Digital Learning Object).

We were having fun with the alphabet and what my favourite animal does.

We created our DLO using Google Drawings.  In Drawings we can use WordArt (I used this to create my heading), change the background colour, insert images and write in a text box so the text is able to be moved around the page.

Thank you for reading my blog and leave a comment if you like.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Family poems

I did this slide and it is all about my family I know what you are probably going to say after you read this slide you will say "wow you have got such a big family" but its ok you do not need to worry my family has gotten even bigger and i might even add to the slide!!!

My holiday in Hokitika!!!