
Thursday, August 27, 2020

My origami flowers

Today I made made some origami flowers and this is what it looks like. To make this piece of art work I had to watch a you tube video. If this looks like fun then maybe you could try and make it one day and then maybe even put that on your blog so other people can see it!!!


  1. Aloha Taliyah 😊👋 It's nice to see that your making art! I was wondering. Why did you choose to make origami flowers? 🌼 If it was for a project? Why did you choose flowers? Why didn't you link the video? You were lucky you weren't in lock down, like us in Auckland.
    What type of flowers are they? Are they for tradition? Was it for Daffodil day? I've finished now!
    if we wanna check my blog spot out here is the link
    Aloha! 😊👋

    1. Hi Teuila well I didn't really choose this oragami my teacher just had it for the class to do. And no it wasn't for a project. I also had to do flowers but I don't actually know why. Sorry I didn't really think about linking the video I would link it on right now but I can't remember what the video was. These flowers are daffodil's. No these aren't for a tradition. Yeah I think it was daffodil day actually now that I think about it. Taliyah


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